What Is an Intelligent Video Surveillance System (IVS)?

January 24, 2022

Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems (IVS) are transforming how we approach surveillance and threat detection. Unlike traditional systems, IVS leverages advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data analytics to provide a more comprehensive and proactive security solution. These systems are not only capable of recording high-definition footage but also offer sophisticated features like motion detection, face recognition, and heat mapping. 

The growing importance of IVS in modern security setups cannot be overstated. With the increasing need for more efficient and effective security measures, businesses and security professionals are turning to IVS to enhance their surveillance capabilities. These systems provide real-time insights and actionable data, allowing for quicker response times and more accurate threat assessment. As security challenges become more complex, the adoption of Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems is becoming essential for ensuring safety and security across various industries.

Understanding IVS

An Intelligent Video Surveillance System (IVS) is a sophisticated security solution that goes beyond the capabilities of traditional surveillance systems. IVS is designed to not only capture and record footage but also to analyse and interpret the data in real time. This is achieved through the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, which enable the system to perform complex tasks autonomously.

AI and machine learning are at the core of IVS technology. These systems use algorithms to analyse video footage and identify patterns, behaviours, and anomalies that may indicate security threats. For instance, AI-driven motion detection can differentiate between a human intruder and an animal, reducing false alarms. Face recognition technology can accurately identify individuals, even in crowded or dynamic environments, enhancing access control and monitoring capabilities. 

Machine learning further enhances IVS by allowing the system to learn from historical data. Over time, it becomes more adept at recognising specific patterns and behaviours, improving its accuracy and reliability. This continuous learning process ensures that the surveillance system remains effective and up-to-date with emerging threats and changing environments.

By integrating these advanced technologies, Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems offer a proactive approach to security. They not only monitor and record activities but also provide actionable insights and automated responses, making them an indispensable tool for modern security strategies.

How Does an IVS System Work?

The basic functioning of an Intelligent Video Surveillance System (IVS) involves a combination of cameras, sensors, and analytics working together to provide a comprehensive security solution. Here’s a closer look at how these components interact:


IVS systems start with high-definition cameras strategically placed to cover critical areas. These cameras are equipped with advanced features such as night vision, wide dynamic range, and high frame rates to ensure clear and detailed footage in various lighting conditions. The cameras continuously capture video and stream it to the central processing unit of the IVS.


In addition to cameras, IVS systems often integrate various sensors to enhance their monitoring capabilities. These can include motion sensors, thermal sensors, and audio sensors. Motion sensors detect movement within the camera’s field of view, triggering the system to start recording or send alerts. Thermal sensors can identify heat signatures, useful for detecting intruders in low-visibility conditions. Audio sensors can pick up unusual sounds, such as breaking glass or loud noises, adding another layer of situational awareness.


At the heart of an IVS is its powerful analytics engine, which leverages AI and machine learning to process the data collected by cameras and sensors. This engine analyses video feeds in real-time, applying algorithms to identify patterns, detect anomalies, and recognise objects or faces. For example, the system can use motion detection analytics to differentiate between a moving vehicle and a person, reducing false alarms.

Advanced analytics capabilities allow IVS to perform a range of functions:

  • Intrusion Detection: Identifying unauthorised entry into a secure area.
  • Face Recognition: Matching captured faces against a database of known individuals.
  • Heat Mapping: Visualising areas of high activity to understand movement patterns.
  • Auto-Tracking: Automatically following a moving object or person across different camera views.
  • People Counting: Tracking the number of individuals entering or exiting a specific area.

By combining these technologies, an IVS system provides a dynamic and intelligent approach to surveillance, enabling more effective threat detection and response. The seamless integration of cameras, sensors, and analytics ensures that security measures are robust, reliable, and capable of addressing modern security challenges.

Key Features of IVS Systems

Motion Detection

Motion detection is a fundamental feature of Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems (IVS). It uses advanced algorithms to analyse video feeds and detect any movement within the camera’s field of view. When motion is detected, the system can trigger alerts, start recording, or initiate other predefined actions. This feature is crucial for proactive threat detection, as it enables the system to focus on areas of activity, reducing the need for constant human monitoring and minimising false alarms.


Auto-tracking is an advanced IVS feature that allows cameras to automatically follow a moving object or person. This is particularly useful in large or complex environments where manually tracking every movement is impractical. Auto-tracking ensures that suspicious activities are continuously monitored and recorded, providing a seamless and comprehensive surveillance solution. Applications include monitoring public spaces, transportation hubs, and large retail environments.

Intrusion Detection

Intrusion detection technology in IVS systems identifies unauthorised entry into a secured area. Using a combination of motion sensors, cameras, and AI analytics, the system can distinguish between regular movements and potential threats. When an intrusion is detected, the system can alert security personnel, activate alarms, or lock down the area. This feature significantly enhances security by providing real-time alerts and allowing for immediate response to potential breaches.

Face Detection

Face detection technology uses AI to identify and analyse human faces within the camera’s view. This feature is vital for applications such as access control, attendance tracking, and identifying persons of interest. In security contexts, face detection can help verify identities, detect unauthorised individuals, and maintain a record of people entering and exiting a facility. It enhances overall security and operational efficiency.

People Counting

People counting technology is used to monitor the number of individuals entering or exiting a particular area. This feature is beneficial for businesses, as it provides valuable data on foot traffic and occupancy levels. Retailers can use this information to optimise store layouts, manage staffing levels, and improve customer service. Additionally, in emergency situations, people counting can help ensure safe evacuation and crowd control.

Heat Mapping

Heat mapping visualises areas of high activity within a monitored space. By analysing movement patterns and dwell times, heat maps provide insights into how different areas are used. This information can be used to optimise store layouts, enhance customer experiences, and improve security by identifying potential hotspots for criminal activity. Heat mapping is also useful in urban planning and facility management.

Abandoned or Missing Object Detection

This feature allows IVS systems to detect objects that have been left unattended or removed from their designated location. By comparing the current scene with a baseline image, the system can identify changes and trigger alerts. This is particularly useful in high-risk areas such as airports, banks, and public transportation hubs, where unattended objects could pose security threats.

Scene Change Detection

Scene change detection monitors for significant alterations in the camera’s view, such as the removal or addition of objects. This feature helps maintain the integrity of monitored environments by ensuring that any unexpected changes are quickly identified and addressed. It is useful in preventing tampering, detecting suspicious activities, and ensuring that surveillance areas remain secure and unchanged.

Each of these features contributes to the overall effectiveness of Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems, making them a powerful tool for enhancing security and operational efficiency across various industries.

Benefits of Using an IVS System

Enhanced Security

Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems (IVS) significantly improve overall security by offering advanced features that traditional systems lack. IVS systems provide real-time monitoring and analytics, which enable security personnel to detect and respond to threats more swiftly and effectively. Features such as motion detection, face recognition, and intrusion detection ensure that potential security breaches are identified promptly, minimising risks and enhancing the safety of people and property.

Proactive Threat Detection

One of the standout benefits of IVS is its proactive threat detection capabilities. Unlike traditional systems that merely record events for later review, IVS systems use AI and machine learning to analyse video feeds in real time. This allows for the immediate identification of suspicious activities and potential threats. For example, the system can detect unusual movement patterns, identify unattended objects, and recognise faces of individuals on watchlists. By providing early warnings, IVS helps prevent incidents before they escalate, ensuring a more secure environment.

Cost Efficiency

IVS systems offer significant cost benefits over traditional surveillance systems. The advanced analytics and automated monitoring features reduce the need for extensive human oversight, lowering labour costs. Additionally, the ability to integrate IVS with other security systems, such as alarms and access controls, streamlines operations and reduces the need for multiple standalone solutions. The improved accuracy and reduced false alarms also mean fewer resources are wasted on unnecessary responses, contributing to overall cost savings.

High-Quality Surveillance

IVS systems deliver high-definition video quality, ensuring clear and detailed footage that is crucial for effective surveillance. Advanced features such as night vision, wide dynamic range, and high frame rates enhance the system’s performance in various lighting and environmental conditions. This high-quality surveillance allows for better identification of individuals and events, making it easier to investigate incidents and gather evidence. The improved video clarity and reliability of IVS systems ensure that security teams have access to the best possible information.

Lower Insurance Premiums

Using an IVS system can lead to reduced insurance costs. Insurance companies often offer lower premiums to businesses and property owners who implement advanced security measures. IVS systems’ ability to proactively detect and prevent incidents reduces the likelihood of claims, making properties less risky to insure. Additionally, the comprehensive monitoring and detailed footage provided by IVS systems can assist in resolving claims more efficiently, further contributing to cost savings. By investing in an IVS system, businesses can enhance their security while also benefiting from potential insurance premium reductions.

These benefits highlight the value of Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems in modern security practices, offering enhanced protection, proactive threat detection, cost savings, high-quality surveillance, and potential financial incentives.

Comparing IVS with Traditional Surveillance Systems

Differences in Technology

Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems (IVS) and traditional surveillance systems differ significantly in their technological capabilities. Traditional systems typically rely on basic video recording and manual monitoring. They capture footage, which is stored for later review, often requiring human operators to monitor and analyse the video feeds.

In contrast, IVS systems incorporate advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data analytics. These technologies enable real-time analysis and automated responses, enhancing the system’s ability to detect and respond to potential threats proactively. Features like motion detection, face recognition, and heat mapping are common in IVS, providing a more dynamic and comprehensive security solution.

Pros and Cons of IVS


  • Advanced Analytics: AI and machine learning allow for real-time threat detection and reduced false alarms.
  • Proactive Security: Features like motion detection and face recognition provide early warnings and enhance preventive measures.
  • High-Quality Video: High-definition cameras offer clear and detailed footage.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with other security systems and IoT devices.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduced need for human oversight and operational costs over time.
  • Scalability: Easily scalable to meet growing security needs.


  • Initial Cost: Higher upfront investment compared to traditional systems.
  • Complexity: Requires more sophisticated setup and maintenance.
  • Privacy Concerns: Advanced monitoring capabilities may raise privacy issues.

Pros and Cons of Traditional Systems


  • Simplicity: Easier to set up and maintain with basic monitoring requirements.
  • Lower Initial Cost: Generally less expensive to install than IVS systems.
  • Established Technology: Proven and widely used, with a straightforward operational model.


  • Manual Monitoring: Requires constant human oversight, which can be labor-intensive and prone to error.
  • Reactive Security: Primarily records events for later review, offering limited proactive threat detection.
  • Limited Features: Lacks advanced analytics and real-time response capabilities.
  • Scalability Issues: Can be challenging to scale and integrate with modern security technologies.
  • Quality: Often provides lower quality footage, especially in challenging conditions.

Why Choose IVS?

Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems offer a superior solution for modern security needs due to their advanced technology, proactive threat detection, and overall cost efficiency. While the initial investment may be higher, the long-term benefits, including enhanced security, reduced operational costs, and scalability, make IVS a compelling choice. The integration of AI and machine learning ensures that IVS systems provide real-time, actionable insights, significantly improving the effectiveness of surveillance operations.

For businesses and security professionals looking to stay ahead of evolving security challenges, IVS systems represent the future of surveillance. By choosing IVS, you invest in a smarter, more efficient, and reliable security solution that can adapt to your needs and provide peace of mind in an increasingly complex security landscape.

Applications of IVS in Various Industries


Retail businesses benefit significantly from Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems (IVS). These systems help enhance security by monitoring for theft, fraud, and other suspicious activities. IVS can also analyse customer behaviour, providing valuable insights into shopping patterns and store layouts. Features like people counting and heat mapping enable retailers to optimise staff allocation, improve store design, and enhance customer service. Additionally, face recognition can be used for loyalty programs and personalised marketing, further enhancing the customer experience and boosting sales.


In transportation systems, IVS plays a crucial role in ensuring safety and efficiency. These systems are used to monitor public transport networks, including buses, trains, and subways, detecting and responding to potential threats such as unattended luggage or suspicious behaviour. IVS helps manage traffic flow and reduce congestion by providing real-time data and analytics. In airports and seaports, IVS enhances security by integrating with access control systems and identifying individuals through face recognition. This ensures the safe and smooth operation of transportation hubs.

Public Safety

IVS is a vital tool in enhancing public safety. Law enforcement agencies use these systems to monitor public spaces, detect criminal activities, and gather evidence. IVS can provide real-time alerts for incidents such as fights, vandalism, or loitering, allowing for a quick response from authorities. During public events, IVS helps manage crowds and ensure safety by tracking movement patterns and identifying potential risks. The integration of IVS with other public safety systems, such as emergency response and communication networks, further strengthens its effectiveness.


In healthcare settings, IVS improves patient care and facility security. These systems monitor sensitive areas such as emergency rooms, pharmacies, and entrances to prevent unauthorised access and ensure patient safety. IVS can also assist in patient monitoring, detecting falls or unusual behaviour that may indicate a medical emergency. In addition, IVS systems help streamline operations by managing visitor access and ensuring compliance with safety protocols. The high-definition footage provided by IVS is invaluable for reviewing incidents and maintaining a secure environment for patients and staff.

Industrial Applications

IVS is highly beneficial in industrial environments, where safety and security are paramount. These systems monitor manufacturing processes, ensuring compliance with safety standards and identifying potential hazards. IVS can detect equipment malfunctions or operational anomalies, enabling prompt intervention to prevent accidents or production downtime. In warehouses and distribution centres, IVS improves inventory management and reduces theft by monitoring storage areas and tracking the movement of goods. The advanced analytics capabilities of IVS also help optimise workflows and enhance overall operational efficiency in industrial settings.

By leveraging the advanced features of Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems, various industries can enhance their security, improve operational efficiency, and ensure a safer environment for employees, customers, and the public.

Integration with Other Security Measures

Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems (IVS) are designed to seamlessly integrate with a range of other security systems, enhancing overall security and operational efficiency. This integration creates a comprehensive security ecosystem that is more responsive, effective, and easier to manage. Here’s how IVS can be combined with other security measures:


IVS can be integrated with alarm systems to provide a robust and proactive security solution. When the IVS detects unusual activity, such as motion in a restricted area or an unauthorised entry, it can trigger alarms to alert security personnel or emergency responders. This immediate notification enables a swift response to potential threats, reducing the risk of damage or theft. Additionally, the integration allows for more precise alarm activation, minimising false alarms and ensuring that alerts are based on verified incidents.

Access Control

Integrating IVS with access control systems enhances the security of entry points and restricted areas. IVS can use face recognition and other identification technologies to verify individuals seeking access, ensuring that only authorised personnel can enter secure locations. This integration can also track and record the movements of individuals within a facility, providing detailed logs and real-time monitoring of access events. By combining IVS with access control, organisations can better manage entry permissions, monitor compliance, and respond quickly to unauthorised access attempts.

IoT Devices

The integration of IVS with Internet of Things (IoT) devices creates a highly interconnected security infrastructure. IoT devices such as smart locks, sensors, and environmental monitors can communicate with IVS to provide a more comprehensive security overview. For example, motion sensors and door/window contacts can trigger video recording or alert security teams when unusual activity is detected. This synergy between IVS and IoT devices enhances situational awareness and allows for automated responses to security breaches, such as locking doors or turning on lights.

Emergency Response Systems

IVS can be integrated with emergency response systems to improve coordination during critical incidents. When an IVS detects a security threat or emergency situation, it can immediately notify relevant authorities and provide live video feeds, enabling them to assess the situation in real-time. This integration ensures that responders have accurate and timely information, which is crucial for effective decision-making and rapid intervention. The ability to share video footage with emergency teams can also enhance incident documentation and post-event analysis.

Building Management Systems

Integrating IVS with building management systems (BMS) allows for a more efficient and secure management of facilities. IVS can monitor and control various aspects of building operations, such as lighting, HVAC systems, and elevators, based on security needs. For instance, IVS can trigger lights to turn on when motion is detected in a specific area or adjust HVAC settings based on occupancy levels. This integration not only improves security but also contributes to energy efficiency and overall building management.

By integrating IVS with other security measures, organisations can create a unified and responsive security network that maximises protection and operational efficiency. This holistic approach ensures that all aspects of security work together seamlessly, providing a higher level of safety and control.

Future Trends in IVS

AI and Machine Learning

The future role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems (IVS) is set to revolutionise the way security is managed. These technologies will continue to enhance the ability of IVS to analyse video footage in real-time, providing even more accurate and sophisticated threat detection. AI and machine learning algorithms will evolve to recognise more complex patterns and behaviours, improving the system’s capability to predict and prevent potential security incidents. Future IVS will leverage deep learning models to adapt to new threats dynamically, reducing false alarms and ensuring a higher level of security precision.

Big Data and Analytics

Big data will play a crucial role in the development of IVS by providing vast amounts of information for analysis and insight generation. The integration of big data with IVS will enable more detailed and comprehensive surveillance analytics, allowing for better decision-making and strategic planning. Advanced analytics will utilise historical and real-time data to identify trends, predict future security threats, and optimise surveillance operations. For example, analysing large datasets from various sources can help identify unusual activity patterns or potential vulnerabilities, leading to more proactive and informed security measures.

IoT Integration

The impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on the future of IVS will be profound, creating more interconnected and intelligent security networks. IoT integration will enable IVS to interact seamlessly with a wide range of smart devices, such as sensors, alarms, and access control systems, enhancing the overall security infrastructure. Future IVS will use IoT to gather data from multiple sources, providing a more holistic view of the security environment. This interconnectedness will allow for automated responses to security events, such as locking doors, adjusting lighting, or notifying authorities, thereby increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of surveillance operations.

Moreover, the combination of IoT and IVS will facilitate the development of smart cities, where integrated surveillance systems monitor and manage public safety across urban environments. IoT-enabled IVS will support the real-time monitoring of critical infrastructure, traffic management, and emergency response coordination, contributing to safer and more resilient communities.

In summary, the future of Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems is poised for significant advancements driven by AI, machine learning, big data, and IoT integration. These trends will enhance the capabilities of IVS, making them more intelligent, responsive, and effective in addressing modern security challenges.

Key Takeaways

Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems (IVS) represent a significant advancement in the field of security, offering a range of features and benefits that far surpass traditional surveillance systems. Here are the key points to remember:

  • Enhanced Security: IVS provides advanced analytics and real-time monitoring, improving overall security and threat detection capabilities.
  • Proactive Threat Detection: Leveraging AI and machine learning, IVS can predict and prevent security incidents before they escalate, reducing false alarms and ensuring timely responses.
  • Cost Efficiency: IVS reduces operational costs through automation and requires less human oversight compared to traditional systems.
  • High-Quality Surveillance: With high-definition video and advanced features like face recognition and heat mapping, IVS delivers clear, actionable footage.
  • Integration Capabilities: IVS seamlessly integrates with other security measures, such as alarms, access control, and IoT devices, creating a comprehensive security ecosystem.
  • Industry Applications: IVS benefits various industries, including retail, transportation, public safety, healthcare, and industrial environments, by enhancing security and operational efficiency.
  • Future Trends: The future of IVS will be shaped by AI, machine learning, big data, and IoT integration, leading to more intelligent and interconnected security systems.

By adopting Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems, businesses and security professionals can significantly enhance their security strategies, ensuring a safer and more efficient environment for everyone.


1. What is an Intelligent Video Surveillance System (IVS)?

An Intelligent Video Surveillance System (IVS) is an advanced security solution that uses technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data analytics to monitor, record, and analyze video footage in real time. Unlike traditional systems, IVS can autonomously detect, assess, and respond to potential security threats.

2. How does IVS differ from traditional surveillance systems?

Traditional surveillance systems typically record video footage for later review and rely on human operators for monitoring. IVS, on the other hand, uses AI and machine learning to analyze footage in real time, offering features like motion detection, face recognition, and heat mapping. This allows for proactive threat detection and more efficient security management.

3. What are the key features of an IVS?

Key features of an IVS include:

  • Motion Detection: Detects and alerts on any movement within the camera’s field of view.
  • Auto-Tracking: Automatically follows moving objects or individuals.
  • Intrusion Detection: Identifies unauthorized entry into secure areas.
  • Face Detection and Recognition: Identifies and verifies individuals’ faces.
  • People Counting: Tracks the number of people entering or exiting an area.
  • Heat Mapping: Visualizes areas of high activity to understand movement patterns.
  • Abandoned or Missing Object Detection: Detects unattended or removed objects.
  • Scene Change Detection: Monitors for significant changes in the camera’s view.

4. What are the benefits of using an IVS system?

The benefits of using an IVS system include enhanced security through advanced analytics, proactive threat detection, cost efficiency due to reduced need for human monitoring, high-quality surveillance footage, and potential reductions in insurance premiums. IVS systems also integrate seamlessly with other security measures, creating a comprehensive security solution.

5. How does IVS technology use AI and machine learning?

IVS technology leverages AI and machine learning to analyze video footage and identify patterns, behaviors, and anomalies that may indicate security threats. These systems continuously learn from historical data, improving their accuracy and reliability over time. For example, AI-driven motion detection can distinguish between a human intruder and an animal, reducing false alarms.

6. Can IVS systems be integrated with other security measures?

Yes, IVS systems can be integrated with various other security measures, including alarm systems, access control systems, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, emergency response systems, and building management systems. This integration enhances the overall security infrastructure, making it more responsive and effective.

7. What industries benefit the most from IVS systems?

IVS systems are beneficial across various industries, including:

  • Retail: Enhances security, provides customer insights, and optimizes store layouts.
  • Transportation: Monitors public transport networks, manages traffic flow, and enhances security at airports and seaports.
  • Public Safety: Assists law enforcement in monitoring public spaces and managing crowds during events.
  • Healthcare: Improves patient care and facility security by monitoring sensitive areas and detecting medical emergencies.
  • Industrial: Ensures compliance with safety standards, detects equipment malfunctions, and enhances inventory management.

8. What future trends are expected in IVS technology?

Future trends in IVS technology include further advancements in AI and machine learning for more accurate threat detection, the use of big data for comprehensive surveillance analytics, and greater integration with IoT devices for a more interconnected security network. These trends will enhance the capabilities of IVS, making them more intelligent, responsive, and effective.

9. Are there any privacy concerns with using IVS systems?

While IVS systems offer advanced monitoring capabilities, they can raise privacy concerns due to the extent of surveillance and data collection. It’s important to implement IVS systems with proper privacy policies and ensure compliance with relevant regulations to protect individuals’ privacy.

10. How can businesses justify the initial cost of an IVS system?

Although the initial investment in an IVS system may be higher than traditional systems, the long-term benefits include enhanced security, reduced operational costs, improved efficiency, and potential insurance premium reductions. The advanced features and proactive threat detection capabilities of IVS systems provide significant value and justify the investment.

By addressing these frequently asked questions, businesses and individuals can gain a better understanding of Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems and their importance in modern security practices.


In today’s increasingly complex security landscape, Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems (IVS) have become indispensable. These advanced systems leverage cutting-edge technologies like AI, machine learning, and big data analytics to provide a level of security that traditional surveillance systems simply cannot match. By offering real-time monitoring, proactive threat detection, and seamless integration with other security measures, IVS ensures comprehensive and efficient protection for various environments.

The benefits of IVS extend across multiple industries, from enhancing retail security and customer insights to improving public safety, healthcare operations, and industrial processes. As these systems continue to evolve, driven by advancements in technology and the growing interconnectedness of IoT devices, their role in safeguarding our spaces will only become more critical.

Investing in IVS is not just about staying ahead of potential threats; it’s about creating a smarter, more responsive, and reliable security infrastructure. For businesses, security professionals, and anyone looking to upgrade their surveillance capabilities, IVS represents the future of security. Embracing this technology is a step towards ensuring a safer and more secure environment for all.

Kylie Butchard of Pacific Security Group.

Kylie Butchard is a highly respected and experienced leader in Australia’s electronic security industry, having successfully steered Pacific Security Group for over 17 years. With a career embedded in customer service, she has consistently focused on putting people first – clients and staff. Known for her strong, resilient, positive, values-driven, consistent, and compassionate approach, Kylie ensures that her team delivers top-notch security solutions tailored to clients’ unique needs.

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